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^ Individuals in the AI Era




I want to end on one AI question. You have a lot of kids. I have some kids. I have one who’s actuallysoon to go into the workforce. I struggle with how to advise him about a career when this technologyexists and will only improve. I’m just curious when you think about advising your children on acareer with so much that is changing, what do you tell them is going to be of value?Well, that is a tough question to answer. I guess I would just say to follow their heart in terms ofwhat they find interesting to do or fulfilling to do and try to be as useful as possible to the restof society. If we do get to the sort of like magic genie situation where you can ask the AI for anything,and let’s say it’s even the benign scenario. Let’s say it’s the benign scenario. How do weactually find fulfillment? How do we find meaning in life if the AI could do your job better than you can?I mean if I think about it too hard, it can be just disparaging and demotivating

我想以一个人工智能问题作为结束。你有很多孩子。我有一些孩子。我有一个实际上是即将进入劳动力市场。当这项技术出现时,我很难为他提供有关职业的建议存在并且只会改进。我只是好奇你是否考虑为你的孩子提供建议职业正在发生如此多的变化,您告诉他们什么是有价值的?嗯,这是一个很难回答的问题。我想我只想说跟随他们的心他们觉得有趣或有成就感的事情,并尝试尽可能对其他人有用 社会.如果我们确实遇到了类似魔法精灵的情况,你可以向人工智能询问任何事情, 假设这甚至是良性的情况。假设这是良性场景。我们如何真的找到了满足感吗?如果人工智能能比你更好地完成你的工作,我们如何找到生活的意义?我的意思是,如果我想得太仔细,那可能只是贬低和沮丧

because I mean I put a lot of blood sweat and tears into building companies and then I’m like,should I be doing this? Because if I’m sacrificing time with friends and family that I would preferto do, but then ultimately the AI can do all these things. Does that make sense? I don’t know.To some extent I have to have deliberate suspension of disbelief in order to remainmotivated. So I guess I would say just you knowwork on things that you find interesting, fulfilling and that contribute some good to the rest of society.

因为我的意思是我为创建公司投入了大量的血汗和泪水,然后我想,我应该这样做吗?因为如果我牺牲与朋友和家人相处的时间,我会更愿意去做,但最终人工智能可以做所有这些事情。那有意义吗?我不知道。在某种程度上,我必须刻意地停止怀疑才能继续下去。 动机。所以我想我会说你知道致力于那些你觉得有趣、有成就感并且能为社会其他人做出贡献的事情