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The Warren Buffett Way

  •  The Warren Buffett Way|200
  • 书名: The Warren Buffett Way
  • 作者: Hagstrom, Robert G.
  • 简介:
  • 出版时间
  • ISBN:
  • 分类:
  • 出版社: Wiley


Foreword: The Exception

  • 📌 One of the most important components of the “Chicago School” of thought was the Efficient Market Hypothesis. According to that hypothesis, the combined efforts of millions of intelligent, motivated, objective, and informed investors cause information to immediately be reflected in market prices such that assets will provide a fair risk-adjusted return, no more and no less. Prices are never so low or so high that they can be taken advantage of, and thus no investors can be capable of consistently identifying opportunities to benefit. It’s this hypothesis that gives rise to the Chicago School’s best-known dictum: You can’t beat the market.

    • ⏱ 2024-01-09 04:25:30
  • 📌 he’s fiercely analytical

    • ⏱ 2024-01-27 23:22:13
  • 📌 He doesn’t feel the need to know and consider every data point: just the ones that matter. And he has a great sense for which they are

    • ⏱ 2024-01-27 23:22:29
  • 📌 Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t s

    • ⏱ 2024-01-09 14:55:23
  • 📌 s comfortable with. He emphasizes fairly prosaic fields and avoids, for example, high tech companies. He famously passes on things that are outside his philosophy and ken. Importantly, he can live with the possibility that the things he passes on will make money for others and he’ll be left looking on as they d

    • ⏱ 2024-01-27 23:22:57

