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Excellent Advice for Living: Wisdom I Wish I'd Known Earlier

  •  Excellent Advice for Living: Wisdom I Wish I'd Known Earlier|200
  • 书名: Excellent Advice for Living: Wisdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier
  • 作者: Kevin Kelly
  • 简介:
  • 出版时间
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  • 出版社: Penguin Publishing Group


Also by Kevin Kelly

Title Page



Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 450 bits of advice I wished I’d known when I was younger. ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-6-1355-1412
    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:34:35

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Learn how to learn from those you disagree with or even offend you.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:36:40
  • 📌 Being enthusiastic is worth 25 IQ points

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:36:46
  • 📌 Listening well is a superpower.倾听是一种超能力。 While listening to someone you love keep asking them “Is there more?” until there is no more

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:42:54

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Always demand a deadline because it weeds out the extraneous and the ordinar

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:43:10
  • 📌 deadline prevents you from trying to make it perfect so you have to make it different.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:43:06
  • 📌 Don’t be afraid to ask a question that may sound stupid because 99% of the time everyone else is thinking of the same question and is too embarrassed to ask it.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:43:18

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Prototype your life.原型你的生活。 Try stuff instead of making grand plans.尝试新事物,而不是制定宏伟的计划

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:43:34
  • 📌 When you forgive others they may not notice but you will heal.当你原谅别人的时候他们可能没有注意到但你会痊愈的。 Forgiveness is not something we do for others; it is a gift to ourselves.宽恕不是一件我们为别人做;这是给我们自己的礼物。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:44:06

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 The fact that you “can’t do” something can be embarrassing.你“不能做”某件事的事实会很尴尬。 But if you are “learning to do” something that is admirable.但如果你在“学习做”某件事真是令人钦佩。 There are only tiny baby steps between can’t and learning.只有很小的一步在不能和学习之间。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:44:15
  • 📌 Don’t measure your life with someone else’s ruler

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:44:25

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Collecting things benefits you only if you display your collection prominently and share it in joy with others.收集东西对你有好处只有当你展示你的收藏显著地并在喜悦中与他人分享。 The opposite of this is hoarding.与此相反的是囤积。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-11-1501-1892
    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:49:45

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Taking a break is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:49:56
  • 📌 You don’t have to attend every argument you are invited to.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:54:48

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 worthy goal for a year is to learn enough about a subject so that you can’t believe how ignorant you were a year earlier.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:54:57
  • 📌 You can’t reason someone out of a notion

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:58:33
  • 📌 Gratitude will unlock all other virtues and is something you can get better at.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:58:29

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 When you are anxious because of your to-do list take comfort in your have-done list

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:58:47
  • 📌 Treating a person to a meal never fails and is so easy to do.请人吃饭从来没有失败过而且很容易做到。 It’s powerful with old friends and a great way to make new friends.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:58:52
  • 📌 Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:59:04

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 you are looking for something in your house and you finally find it when you’re done with it don’t put it back where you found it.如果您正在寻找因为你家里有东西你终于找到了等你看完了别把它放回原处。 Put it back where you first looked for it.放回去你第一次找它的地方。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:59:49
  • 📌 Movement plus variety equals health.运动加变化等于健康

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 16:59:57

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Never use a credit card for credit.千万不要用信用卡赊账。 The only kind of credit, or debt that is acceptable is debt to acquire something whose exchange value is extremely likely to increase like a hom

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 17:00:15
  • 📌 The exchange value of most things diminishes or vanishes the moment you purchase them.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 17:00:39
  • 📌 A great way to understand yourself is to seriously reflect on everything you find irritating in other

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 17:00:58

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 The advantage of a ridiculously ambitious goal is that it sets the bar very high so even if your effort falls short it may exceed an ordinary succes ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-17-870-1085
    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 17:39:56

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Whenever you have a choice between being right or being kind be kind. No exceptions.每当你有一个选择之间是正确的还是善良的善良一点。没有例外。 Don’t confuse kindness with weakness.不要把善良和软弱混为一谈。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 17:40:51
  • 📌 We lack rites of passage.我们缺少成年礼。 Create a memorable family ceremony when your child reaches legal adulthood between eighteen and twenty-one.打造一个令人难忘的家庭仪式当你的孩子达到法定成年时十八岁到二十一岁之间。 This moment will become a significant touchstone in their life.这一刻将成为他们生命中的一块重要试金石。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 18:30:52

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 The best way to get to yes in a negotiation is to truly understand what yes means for the other party.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 18:31:00
  • 📌 Recipe for greatness:伟大的秘诀: Become just a teeny bit better than you were last year.变得更好一点比去年好多了。 Repeat every year.每年都要重复。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 18:31:08
  • 📌 Draw to discover what you see.画画来发现你所看到的。 Write to discover what you think.写发现你的想法

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 18:31:18

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Whenever you can’t decide which path to take pick the one that produces change.每当你无法决定的时候该走哪条路选一个能带来改变的。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 18:45:39
  • 📌 Choose not to be outraged today.今天选择不愤怒。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 18:45:45

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Habit is far more dependable than inspiration.习惯更可靠而不是灵感。 Make progress by making habits.通过养成习惯来进步。 Don’t focus on getting into shape.不要专注于健身。 Focus on becoming the kind of person who never misses a workout.专注于成为这样的人

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 18:45:54
  • 📌 If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.如果你是最聪明的人在房间里,你走错房间了。 Hang out with, and learn from people smarter than yourself.一起出去玩,并从中学习比你聪明的人。 Even better, find smart people who will disagree with you.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 18:47:34

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 You should demand extraordinary evidence in order to believe extraordinary claims.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 18:47:47
  • 📌 Rule of 3 in conversation:对话中的3法则: To get to the real reason, ask a person to go deeper than what they just said.要得到真正的原因,请一个人去比他们刚刚说的更深。 Then again, and then once more.再一次,再一次。 The third time’s answer is the one closest to the truth.第三次的回答是最接近真相的一个。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:13:43

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Don’t be the best. Be the only.不要做最好的。成为唯一 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-23-1503-1596
    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:14:00

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Everyone is shy.每个人都很害羞

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:14:09
  • 📌 Other people are waiting for you to introduce yourself to them; they are waiting for you to send them an email; they are waiting for you to ask them on a dat

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:14:17
  • 📌 The more you are interested in others the more interesting they’ll find you.对别人越感兴趣他们就越觉得你有趣。 To be interesting, be interested.要有趣,就要有兴趣

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:14:32

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Don’t take it personally when someone turns you down.别往心里去当别人拒绝你的时候。 Assume they are like you:假设他们和你一样: busy, occupied, distracted.很忙,很忙,很分心。 Try again later. It’s amazing how often a second try works.请稍后再试。太神奇了第二次尝试成功的频率

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:17:29
  • 📌 The purpose of a habit is to remove that action from self-negotiation.一个习惯的目的就是移除这个动作来自自我协商

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:17:38
  • 📌 You no longer expend energy deciding whether to do it.你不再消耗能量决定要不要这么做。 You just do it.你照做就是了。 Good habits can range from telling the truth to flossing.好习惯的范围

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:17:50

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Promptness is a sign of respect.迅速是一种尊重的表现 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-26-945-1038
    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:19:56

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 When you are young, spend at least 6 months to 1 year living as cheaply as you can owning as little as you possibly can eating beans and rice in a tiny room or tent.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:20:05
  • 📌 That way any time you have to risk something in the future, you won’t be afraid of the “worst-case” scenario.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:20:11
  • 📌 Trust me: There is no “them.”相信我:没有什么“他们”。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-10 21:20:16

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 You lead by letting others know what you expect of them which may exceed what they themselves expect.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:15:03
  • 📌 Provide them a reputation that they can step up to.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:15:08

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 If you ask for someone’s feedback you’ll get a critic.如果你征求别人的意见你会得到一个评论家。 But if instead you ask for advice you’ll get a partner.但如果你向我寻求建议你会有个搭档的

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:15:19
  • 📌 To make something good, just do it.要把事情做好,就去做。 To make something great, just redo it redo it, redo it.要做一件伟大的事情,只要重做重做,重做

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:15:48
  • 📌 e secret to making fine things is in remaking them.制造美好事物的秘诀就是重塑它们。

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:16:00

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 s hard to cheat an honest perso

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:16:07
  • 📌 At first, buy the absolute cheapest tools you can find.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:16:48
  • 📌 Upgrade the ones you use a lot.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:16:52
  • 📌 f you wind up using some tool for a job buy the very best you can afford.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:17:07

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Shorten your to-do list by asking yourself “What is the worst that will happen if this does not get done?”缩短你的任务清单问问你自己“最坏的结果是什么?如果这事办不成呢?“ Eliminate all but the disasters.消除一切,只留下灾难

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:18:03
  • 📌 To move through a place you may not be permitted, act like you belong there.

    • ⏱ 2023-12-11 01:18:17

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Nothing elevates a person higher than taking responsibility for their mistake

    • ⏱ 2024-01-28 01:40:18
  • 📌 Hatred is a curse that does not affect the hated.仇恨是一种诅咒,不会影响被仇恨的人。 It only poisons the hater

    • ⏱ 2024-01-28 01:43:01
  • 📌 Don’t take a job because it pays the most money

    • ⏱ 2024-01-28 01:43:07

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 You can obsess about your customers or you can obsess about beating the competition.你可以沉迷于你的客户 或者你可以沉迷于 打败竞争对手。 Both work, but of the two obsessing about your customers will take you further. ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-33-939-1306
    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:14

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Separate the processes of creating from improvin

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:11
  • 📌 While you write the first draft, don’t reflect.当你写第一稿的时候,不要反思。 At the start, the creator mind must be unleashed from judgment.

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:10

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Perhaps the most counterintuitive truth of the universe is that the more you give to others the more you’ll get.也许是最违反直觉的宇宙真理是你给别人的越多你得到的就越多。 Understanding this is the beginning of wisdom.理解这一点是智慧的开端。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:07
  • 📌 Keep showing up.继续出现。 99% of success is just showing up.百分之九十九的成功就是露个面。 In fact, most success is just persistence.事实上,大多数的成功只是坚持。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:06

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Friends are better than money.朋友胜过金钱。 Almost anything money can do friends can do better.几乎所有钱能做的事朋友可以做得更好。 In so many ways, a friend with a boat is better than owning a boat.在很多方面,有船的朋友比拥有一艘船更好。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-36-870-1328
    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:05

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 vacation + a disaster = an adventure.一个假期+一场灾难=一次冒险

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:15
  • 📌 Don’t be in haste.别着急。 When you are in a hurry you are more easily conned or manipulated.当你匆忙的时候你更容易被骗的或被操纵的

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:12
  • 📌 Forgiveness is accepting the apology you will never get.宽恕是接受你永远不会得到的道歉。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:09

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 To cultivate a habit switch your language from “I can or can’t do”要培养一种习惯,就要改变你的习惯。语言从“我能做或不能做” to “I do or don’t do.”到“我做或不做”。 You shift the weight from a wavering choice to an unwavering identity.你把重量转移从一个摇摆不定的选择到一个坚定不移的身份。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:13
  • 📌 Be more generous than necessary.要比必要的更慷慨。 No one on their deathbed has ever regretted giving too much away.没有人在临终前后悔付出了太多。 There is no point to being the richest person in the cemetery.是没有意义的墓地里最有钱的人。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 19:31:08

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Before you are old attend as many funerals as you can bear and listen. Nobody talks about the departed’s achievements.在你老去之前参加尽可能多的葬礼听着。没人说话逝者的成就。 The only thing people will remember is what kind of person you were while you were achieving.人们只会记得你是个什么样的人当你成功的时候。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-40-1748-2264
    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 22:42:15

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 crises ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-41-1906-1912
    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 22:42:35

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 On vacation go to the most remote place on your itinerary first bypassing the cities and then return to the big city at the end.

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 22:43:05
  • 📌 You’ll maximize the shock of otherness in the remote, and then later you’ll welcome the familiar conveniences of a busy city on the way back.

    • ⏱ 2024-01-29 22:43:19

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 When you get invited to do something in the future ask yourself: Would I do this tomorrow?当你被邀请将来要做的事问问自己:明天我还会做这件事吗? Not too many promises will pass that immediacy filter.没有太多的承诺会过去即时性过滤器。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-43-871-1279
    • ⏱ 2024-01-30 23:14:50

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 you ask to be hired mainly because you need a job you are just another problem for the boss; if you can solve many of the problems the boss has right now you are hired ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-44-873-1130
    • ⏱ 2024-01-30 23:15:23

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Acquiring things will rarely bring you deep satisfaction.获取东西很少会给你带来深深的满足感。 But acquiring experiences will.但获得经验可以

    • ⏱ 2024-01-30 23:15:40
  • 📌 You are what you do.你就是你所做的。 Not what you say not what you believe not how you vote but what you spend your time on.不是你说的不是你所相信的而不是你如何投票而是你把时间花在了什么上面。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-30 23:15:53

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Rule of 7 in research:研究中的第七条规则: You can find out anything if you are willing to go seven levels.你可以找到任何东西如果你愿意去七层。 If the first source you ask doesn’t know ask them who you should ask next and so on down the line.如果你问的第一个消息源不知道问他们你接下来该问谁以此类推。 If you are willing to go to the seventh source you’ll almost always get your answer.

    • ⏱ 2024-01-30 23:57:25
  • 📌 To earn bliss just for a moment send someone you don’t know a compliment for something they did

    • ⏱ 2024-01-30 23:57:23

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 The urgency is a disguise for a scam.紧迫感是骗局的伪装 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-47-2471-2559
    • ⏱ 2024-01-30 23:57:24

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Experience is overrated. Most breakthrough accomplishments were done by people doing them for the first time.经验被高估了。最突破性的成就是由第一次做的人。 Therefore when hiring hire for aptitude and attitude and then train for skills.因此在招聘时根据能力和态度招聘然后进行技能训练

    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 07:40:32
  • 📌 How to apologize:如何道歉: quickly, specifically, sincerely.迅速,具体,真诚。 Don’t ruin an apology with an excuse.别用借口毁了道歉。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 07:40:56

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Following your bliss is a recipe for paralysis if you don’t know what you are passionate about.追随你的幸福是一个瘫痪的配方,如果你不知道你对什么充满热情。 A better path for most youth is “master something.”对大多数青年来说,一条更好的道路是”精通某样东西” Through mastery of one thing you’ll command a viewpoint to steadily find where your bliss is.通过对一件事的掌握你需要一个视角才能稳定地找到你的极乐世界。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-50-870-1540
    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 08:30:53

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 When you lend something pretend you are gifting.当你借东西的时候假装你在送礼物。 If it is returned you’ll be surprised and happy.如果它被退回你会又惊又喜的。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 08:31:08
  • 📌 You are never too young to wonder “Why am I still doing this?”你永远不会太年轻想知道“为什么我还在做这个?” You need to have an excellent answer.你需要有一个极好的答案。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 08:31:21

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Life gets better as you replace transactions with relationships.生活因你而更美好将事务替换为关系 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-52-1466-1620
    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 08:31:39

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Investing small amounts of money over a long time works miracles but no one wants to get rich slow.投资少量资金经过很长一段时间创造奇迹但谁也不想慢慢富起来

    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 08:31:55
  • 📌 The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.最主要的是是保持最主要的最主要的。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 08:53:33

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 To build strong children reinforce their sense of belonging to a family by articulating exactly what is distinctive about your family.培养强壮的孩子加强他们的感觉属于一个家庭通过明确地阐述了什么是你们家族与众不同的地方。 They should be able to say with pride “Our family does X.”他们应该可以自豪地说“我们家是做X的。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 08:53:46
  • 📌 If you are not embarrassed by your past self you have probably not grown up yet.如果你不觉得尴尬被过去的自己你可能还没有长大。

    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 08:53:54

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Outlaw the word “you”取缔“你”这个字 during domestic arguments.在家庭争吵的时候。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-55-945-1133
    • ⏱ 2024-01-31 08:54:02

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 If you have any doubt at all about being able to carry a load in one trip do yourself a huge favor and make two trips.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-01 19:40:35
  • 📌 Over the long term the future is decided by optimists.从长远来看未来是由乐观者决定的。 To be an optimist you don’t have to ignore the multitude of problems we create; you just have to imagine how much our ability to solve problems improves.要成为一个乐观主义者,你不必忽视我们制造的众多问题;你只要想象一下我们的能力有多大解决问题的能力提高了。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-01 19:40:44

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Don’t let someone else’s urgency become your emergenc

    • ⏱ 2024-02-01 22:52:37
  • 📌 fact, don’t be governed by the urgent of any sort.事实上,不要被统治任何紧急情况。 Focus on the important.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-01 22:52:46
  • 📌 Learn how to take a 20-minute power nap without embarrassment

    • ⏱ 2024-02-01 19:44:31

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Paradoxically, the worst evils in the world are committed by those who truly believe they are combating evil.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-01 22:52:54
  • 📌 Don’t reserve you kindest praise for a person until their eulogy.不要保留你最亲切的赞美直到他们的悼词。 Tell them while they are alive when it makes a difference to them Write it in a letter they can keep.趁他们还活着的时候告诉他们当这对他们有意义的时候写在一封他们可以保存的信里

    • ⏱ 2024-02-01 22:53:09

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Train employees well enough that they could get another job but treat them well enough that they never want to ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-59-1542-1697
    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:19:56

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 If it fails where you thought it would fail that is not a failure. ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-60-870-937
    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:20:14

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Don’t create things to make money; make money so you can create thing

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:21:22
  • 📌 The reward for good work is more work.对好工作的奖励是更多的工作。 [插图] Leave a gate behind you the way you first found it.在你身后留下一扇大门你第一次发现它的样子。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:21:38

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 n 100 years a lot of what we take to be true now will be proved to be wrong, maybe even embarrassingly wrong.100年后很多我们现在认为是真的将被证明是错误的,甚至可能是大错特错了。 A good question to ask yourself today is “What might I be wrong about?”今天要问自己一个很好的问题是“我可能错在哪里?” This is the only worry worth having.这是唯一值得担心的事。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:22:21
  • 📌 Learn how to tie a bowline knot.学习如何打单套结。 Practice in the dark. With one hand.在黑暗中练习。用一只手。 For the rest of your life you’ll use this knot more times than you would ever believe.在你的余生中,你将用这个结次数多到你都不敢相信。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:22:45

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 The greatest rewards come from working on something that nobody has words for.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:22:55
  • 📌 On the way to a grand goal celebrate the smallest victories as if each one were the final goal.在通往宏伟目标的路上庆祝最小的胜利仿佛每一个都是最终的目标。 That way, no matter where it ends you are victorious.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:23:14

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 In all things—except love—在一切事情上——除了爱情—— start with the exit strategy.从退出策略开始。 Prepare for the ending.为结局做好准备。 Almost anything is easier to get into than out of.几乎任何东西都更容易进入而不是出去。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:23:38
  • 📌 Don’t aim to have others like you; aim to have them respect you.不要试图让别人像你一样;努力让他们尊重你。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:23:54
  • 📌 The foundation of maturity:成熟的基础: Just because it’s not your fault doesn’t mean it’s not your responsibility.虽然不是你的错不代表这不是你的责任

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:25:17

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 A multitude of bad ideas is necessary for one good idea.许多坏主意是一个好主意所必需的

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:25:25
  • 📌 The hard part in predicting the future is to forget everything you expect it to be.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:25:45
  • 📌 Compliment people behind their back.在背后称赞别人。 It’ll come back to you.它会回到你身边的

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:28:45

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Most overnight successes —in fact, any significant successes—大多数一夜成功事实上,任何重大的成功 take at least 5 years.以至少5年以上。 Budget your life accordingly.相应地预算你的生活。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-05 12:28:54
  • 📌 The job of a grandparent is to grandparent, not to parent.祖父母的工作是对祖父母,不是对父母。 Parent’s house, parent rules.父母的房子,父母的规矩。 Grandparent’s house, grandparent rules.祖父母的房子,祖父母说了算

    • ⏱ 2024-02-06 23:42:53

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 You don’t need more time because you already have all the time that you will ever get; you need more focus.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-06 23:43:49
  • 📌 The foolish person winds up doing at the end what the smart person does at the beginning.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-06 23:43:56
  • 📌 For marital bliss take turns allowing each partner to be always right

    • ⏱ 2024-02-06 23:44:05

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 If the cost of something is not advertised it is a sign that it’s more than you can afford.如果某样东西的价格没有广告,那就说明它超出了你的承受能力

    • ⏱ 2024-02-06 23:52:46
  • 📌 Everyone’s time is finite and shrinking.每个人的时间都是有限的,而且越来越少。 The highest leverage you can get with your money is to buy someone else’s time.你可以用钱获得的最高杠杆 就是购买别人的时间。 Hire and outsource when you can.尽可能雇佣和外包。 [插图] Your best response to an insult is “You’re probably right.”你对侮辱的最佳回应是 “你可能是对的。” Often they are.通常他们都是。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-06 23:52:54

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Assume anyone asking for your account information for any reason is guilty of scamming you unless proven innocent.假设有人询问您的帐户任何理由的信息诈骗你的罪名成立除非被证明是无辜的。 The way to prove innocence is to call them back, or log in to your account using numbers or a website that you provide not them. Don’t release any identifying information while they are contacting you via phone, message, or email.自证清白的方法是打电话给或使用以下方式登录您的帐户数字或一个网站,您提供的不是他们。不要泄露任何身份信息信息,而他们正在与您联系通过电话,短信,或电子邮件。 You must control the channel.你必须控制频道。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 00:03:39
  • 📌 Fear makes people do stupid things so don’t trust anything made in fear.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 00:03:54

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Be strict with yourself, forgiving of others.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 00:04:07
  • 📌 If you can avoid seeking the approval of others your power is limitless.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 00:04:22
  • 📌 Your passions should fit you exactly but your purpose in life should exceed you.你的激情应该完全适合你但你的人生目标应该超越你自己。 Work for something much larger than yourself.为某件事而努力比你大得多。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 00:10:24

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 When a child asks an endless string of “Why?” questions, the smartest reply is “I don’t know, what do you think?”当孩子问了一串没完没了的“为什么?”的问题,最聪明的回答是“我不知道,你觉得呢?” [插图] Recipe for success:成功的秘诀: underpromise and overdeliver.少承诺,多兑现。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-71-871-1700
    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 00:10:48

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Show me your calendar and I will tell you your priorities.给我看看你的日历我会告诉你你的优先事项。 Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you where you’re going.告诉我谁是你的朋友我就告诉你要去哪

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 00:10:55
  • 📌 When brainstorming improvising jamming with others you’ll go much further and deeper if you build upon each contribution with a playful “yes—and” example instead of a deflating “no—but” reply.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 11:03:57

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Work to become, not to acquir ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-73-946-975
    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 11:04:05

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Contemplating the weaknesses of others is easy; contemplating the weaknesses in yourself is hard but it pays a much higher reward

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 11:04:13
  • 📌 When you are young have friends who are older; when you are old have friends who are younger.当你年轻的时候有比你年长的朋友;当你老了要有比你小的朋友。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 20:09:48

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 You will complete your mission in life when you figure out what your mission in life is

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 20:09:45
  • 📌 Your purpose is to discover your purpose.你的宗旨是发现你的宗旨。 This is not a paradox.这并不是一个悖论。 This is the way.这才是王道

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 20:09:52

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Calm is contagious. Be calm to help others.冷静是会传染的。要冷静的去帮助别人。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-76-946-1058
    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 20:09:49

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 When someone tells you something is wrong, they’re usually right.当有人告诉你某件事是错了,他们通常是对的。 When they tell you how to fix it they’re usually wrong.当他们告诉你如何解决他们通常都是错的

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 20:09:51
  • 📌 You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-07 20:09:47

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Money is overrated. 金钱被高估了。 Truly new things rarely need an abundance 
of money. If that was so, billionaires 
would have a monopoly on inventing new 
things, and they don’t. Instead, almost all 
breakthroughs are made by those who 
lack money. If breakthroughs could be 
bought, then the rich would buy them.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-10 14:39:47
  • 📌 Instead, passion, persistence, belief, and 
ingenuity are required to invent new things 
qualities the poor and young often have in 
abundance. Stay hungry.

    • ⏱ 2024-02-10 14:40:02

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 If you can’t tell what you desperately need 
it’s probably sleep. ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-79-1015-1152
    • ⏱ 2024-02-10 14:40:13

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Ignore what others may be thinking of you 
because they aren’t thinking of you. 别管别人怎么想你,因为他们根本没想你。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-10 14:40:33
  • 📌 Writing down one thing 
you are grateful for each day 
is the cheapest possible therapy ever. 写下一件你每天都心存感激的事情,这是有史以来最便宜的治疗方法。

    • ⏱ 2024-02-10 14:40:39

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 If you meet a jerk, ignore them. 如果你遇到一个混蛋,请无视他们。 If you meet jerks everywhere every day 
look deeper into yourself. 如果你每天都会遇到混蛋,那就更深层次地审视自己。

    • ⏱ 2024-03-16 03:24:47
  • 📌 If you meet a jerk, ignore them. 如果你遇到一个混蛋,请无视他们。 If you meet jerks everywhere every day 
look deeper into yourself. 如果你每天都会遇到混蛋,那就更深层次地审视自己。

[插图] It is much easier 
to change how you think 
by changing your behavior 
than it is to change your behavior ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-81-940 - ⏱ 2024-02-10 14:41:30

  • 📌 It is much easier 
to change how you think 
by changing your behavior 
than it is to change your behavior 
by changing how you think. 通过改变你的行为来改变你的想法,比通过改变你的想法来改变你的行为要容易得多。 Act out the change you seek. 表现出你所寻求的变化。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-81-1606-2026
    • ⏱ 2024-03-16 03:25:22

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 Don’t worry how or where you begin. 不要担心如何或在哪里开始。 As long as you keep moving, your 
success will arrive far from where you start. 只要你继续前进,你的成功将远远超出你的起点。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-82-1553-1848
    • ⏱ 2024-03-16 03:25:45

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 You’ll learn a lot more 
if you ask people 
“how are you sleeping?” 如果你问人们“你睡得怎么样?”你会学到更多。 instead of “how are you doing?” 而不是“你过得怎么样?”

    • ⏱ 2024-03-16 03:28:54
  • 📌 Generally, say less than necessary.

    • ⏱ 2024-03-16 03:29:03

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

  • 📌 即使在热带地区,晚上也会比你想象的更冷,所以要穿暖和点。 ^CB-1rgDquDtl79h6kv6keAqg0B0-84-1103-1416
    • ⏱ 2024-03-16 13:02:03

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

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Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living

Continued, Excellent Advice for Living


About the Author

