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In the freemium business model, business tiers start with a “free” tier.

Freemium, a portmanteau of the words “free” and “premium”, is a pricing strategy by which a basic product or service is provided free of charge, but money (a premium) is charged for additional features, services, or virtual (online) or physical (offline) goods that expand the functionality of the free version of the software. This business model has been used in the software industry since the 1980s. A subset of this model used by the video game industry is called free-to-play.
免费增值是“免费”和“溢价”这两个词的混合词,是一种定价策略,免费提供基本产品或服务,但对附加功能、服务或虚拟(在线)产品或服务收取费用(溢价)。 )或扩展免费版本软件功能的实体(离线)商品。 这种商业模式自 20 世纪 80 年代以来一直在软件行业中使用。视频游戏行业使用的该模型的一个子集称为免费游戏。

Origin 起源

The business model has been in use for software since the 1980s. The term freemium to describe this model appears to have been created much later, in response to a 2006 blog post by venture capitalist Fred Wilson summarizing the model:[failed verification]
自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,这种商业模式一直被用于软件领域。描述这种模式的“免费增值”一词似乎是很久以后才创建的,是为了回应风险投资家 Fred Wilson 2006 年总结该模式的博客文章: [failed verification]

Give your service away for free, possibly ad supported but maybe not, acquire a lot of customers very efficiently through word of mouth, referral networks, organic search marketing, etc., then offer premium-priced value-added services or an enhanced version of your service to your customer base.

Jarid Lukin of Alacra, one of Wilson’s portfolio companies, then suggested the term “freemium” for this model.
Wilson 的投资组合公司之一 Alacra 的 Jarid Lukin 随后为这种模式提出了“免费增值”一词。

In 2009, Chris Anderson published the book Free, which examines the popularity of this business model. As well as for traditional proprietary software and services, it is now also often used by Web 2.0 and open source companies. In 2014, Eric Seufert published the book Freemium Economics, which attempts to deconstruct the economic principles of the freemium model and prescribe a framework for implementing them into software products.
2009年,克里斯·安德森(Chris Anderson)出版了《Free》一书,探讨了这种商业模式的受欢迎程度。除了传统的专有软件和服务之外,它现在也经常被 Web 2.0 和开源公司使用。 2014年,Eric Seufert出版了《免费增值经济学》一书,试图解构免费增值模式的经济原理,并规定了将其实施到软件产品中的框架。

The freemium model is closely related to tiered services. Notable examples include LinkedIn, Badoo, Discord, and in the form of a “soft” paywall, such as those employed by The New York Times and La Presse+. This is often in a time-limited or feature-limited version to promote a paid-for full version. The model is particularly suited to software as the cost of distribution is negligible.
免费增值模式与分层服务密切相关。著名的例子包括 LinkedIn、 Badoo、 Discord、 以及“软”付费墙的形式,例如《纽约时报》所采用的付费墙 和 La Presse+。 这通常是有时间限制或功能有限的版本,以推广付费完整版本。该模型特别适合软件,因为分发成本可以忽略不计。

A freemium model is sometimes used to build a consumer base when the marginal cost of producing extra units is low. Thus little is lost by giving away free software licenses as long as significant cannibalization is avoided. Other examples include free-to-play games – video games that can be downloaded without paying. Video game publishers of free-to-play games rely on other means to generate revenue – such as optional in-game virtual items that can be purchased by players to enhance gameplay or aesthetics.[citation needed]
当生产额外单位的边际成本较低时,有时会使用免费增值模式来建立消费者基础。因此,只要避免严重的蚕食,赠送自由软件许可证就不会造成什么损失。其他例子包括免费游戏——无需付费即可下载的视频游戏。免费游戏的视频游戏发行商依靠其他方式来产生收入,例如玩家可以购买可选的游戏内虚拟物品来增强游戏玩法或美观性。 [citation needed]

Types of product limitations


Ways in which the product or service may be limited or restricted in the free version include:

  • Limited features: A free video chat client may not include three-way video calling. Most free-to-play games fall into this category, as they offer virtual items that are either impossible or very slow to purchase with in-game currency but can be instantly purchased with real-world money.
  • Limited capacity: For example, SQL Server Express is restricted to databases of 10 GB or less.
    容量有限:例如,SQL Server Express 仅限于 10 GB 或更少的数据库。
  • Limited use license: For example, most Autodesk or Microsoft software products with full features are free for student with an educational license. (See: Microsoft Imagine.) Some apps, like CCleaner, are free for personal use only.
    有限使用许可:例如,大多数具有完整功能的 Autodesk 或 Microsoft 软件产品对拥有教育许可的学生免费。 (请参阅:Microsoft Imagine。)某些应用程序(例如 CCleaner)仅供个人免费使用。
  • Limited use time: Most free-to-play games permit the user to play the game consecutively for a limited number of levels or turns; the player must either wait a period of time to play more or purchase the right to play more.
  • Limited support: Priority or real-time technical support may not be available for non-paying users. For example, Comodo offers all its software products free of charge. Its premium offerings only add various kinds of technical support.
    有限支持:非付费用户可能无法获得优先或实时技术支持。例如,Comodo 免费提供其所有软件产品。其优质产品仅增加了各种技术支持。
  • Limited or no access to online services that are only available by purchasing periodic subscriptions

Some software and services make all of the features available for free for a trial period, and then at the end of that period revert to operating as a feature-limited free version (e.g. Online Armor Personal Firewall). The user can unlock the premium features on payment of a license fee, as per the freemium model. Some businesses use a variation of the model known as “open core”, in which the unsupported, feature-limited free version is also open-source software, but versions with additional features and official support are commercial software.
某些软件和服务会在试用期内免费提供所有功能,然后在试用期结束时恢复为功能受限的免费版本(例如 Online Armor 个人防火墙)。根据免费增值模式,用户可以在支付许可费后解锁高级功能。一些企业使用称为“开放核心”的模型变体,其中不受支持、功能有限的免费版本也是开源软件,但具有附加功能和官方支持的版本是商业软件。

Significance 意义

In June 2011, PC World reported that traditional anti-virus software had started to lose market share to freemium anti-virus products. By September 2012, all but two of the 50 highest-grossing apps in the Games section of Apple’s iTunes App Store supported in-app purchases, leading Wired to conclude that game developers were now required to choose between including such purchases or foregoing a very substantial revenue stream. Beginning in 2013, the digital distribution platform Steam began to add numerous free-to-play and early-access games to its library, many of which utilized freemium marketing for their in-game economies. Due to criticism that the multiplayer games falling under this category were pay-to-win in nature or were low-quality and never finished development, Valve has since added stricter rules to its early-access and free-to-play policies.
2011 年 6 月,《PC World》报道称,传统防病毒软件的市场份额已开始被免费增值防病毒产品夺走。 到 2012 年 9 月,Apple iTunes 应用商店游戏部分中收入最高的 50 个应用程序中,除了两个之外,所有应用程序都支持应用内购买,导致《连线》杂志得出结论,游戏开发者现在必须在以下选项之间做出选择:此类购买或放弃非常可观的收入来源。 从 2013 年开始,数字发行平台 Steam 开始在其游戏库中添加大量免费游戏和抢先体验游戏,其中许多游戏利用免费增值营销来实现游戏内经济。由于批评此类多人游戏本质上是付费获胜或质量低劣且从未完成开发,Valve 此后对其抢先体验和免费游戏政策添加了更严格的规则。

Criticism of freemium games


Freemium games have come under criticism from players and critics. Many are labelled with the derogatory term ‘pay-to-win’, which criticizes freemium games for giving an advantage to players who pay more money, as opposed to those who have more skill. Criticisms also extend to the way that the business model can often appear unregulated, to the point of encouraging prolific spending. Freemium games are often designed in a manner where players who are not actively using premium features are actively frustrated, delayed or require much larger investments in time required to acquire currency or upgrades.
免费增值游戏受到了玩家和评论家的批评。许多游戏都被贴上了贬义词“付费获胜”的标签,批评免费增值游戏为支付更多金钱的玩家提供了优势,而不是那些拥有更多技能的玩家。 批评还延伸到商业模式常常显得不受监管,甚至鼓励大量支出。免费增值游戏的设计方式通常是,不积极使用高级功能的玩家会主动受挫、延迟或需要更大的时间投资来获取货币或升级。

In November 2014, the animated TV series South Park aired an episode entitled “Freemium Isn’t Free”. The episode satirized the business model for encouraging predatory game design tactics based on an improper business model. In 2015, Nintendo released two of their own freemium games in the Pokémon series based on other standalone purchasable titles. With the title Pokémon Rumble World, Nintendo took a different approach by making it possible to complete the entire game without buying premium credits, but retaining them as an option so players can proceed through the game at a pace that suits them.
2014 年 11 月,动画电视剧《南方公园》播出了名为“免费增值并非免费”的剧集。该集讽刺了基于不当商业模式鼓励掠夺性游戏设计策略的商业模式。 2015 年,任天堂在《神奇宝贝》系列中基于其他独立可购买游戏发布了两款自己的免费增值游戏。 在《Pokémon Rumble World》这款游戏中,任天堂采取了不同的方法,让玩家可以在不购买高级积分的情况下完成整个游戏,但保留它们作为一个选项,以便玩家可以继续进行以适合他们的节奏完成游戏。

See also 也可以看看

References 参考

  1. ^ JLM de la Iglesia, JEL Gayo, “Doing business by selling free services”. Web 2.0: The Business Model, 2008. Springer
    JLM de la Iglesia、JEL Gayo,“通过销售免费服务开展业务”。 Web 2.0:商业模式,2008 年。施普林格
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    汤姆·海斯(Tom Hayes),“跳跃点:网络文化如何彻底改变商业”。 2008。第 195 页。
  3. ^ Schenck, Barbara Findlay (February 7, 2011). “Freemium: Is the Price Right for Your Company?“. Entrepreneur.
    申克,芭芭拉·芬德利(2011 年 2 月 7 日)。 “免费增值:价格适合您的公司吗?”。企业家。已检索 。
  4. ^ Heires, Katherine (2006-10-01). “Why It Pays to Give Away the Store”. CNN Money. Business 2.0 Magazine.
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  5. ^ “I wrote Freemium Economics to encourage better F2P games not more, says Eric Seufert”. PocketGamer. Steel Media. 2014-02-07.
    “我写《免费增值经济学》是为了鼓励更好的免费游戏,而不是更多,”Eric Seufert 说。袖珍游戏玩家。钢铁传媒. 2014年2月7日。已检索 。
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  11. ^ Wasserman, Anthony I. (2011). “How the Internet transformed the software industry”. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. 2 (1): 11–22. doi:10.1007/s13174-011-0019-x. ISSN 1867-4828. Some companies have only a single version of their software, while others follow an “open core” model, providing a community release of the core version, and offering proprietary premium features us- ing a commercial license.
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  12. ^ Dunn, John E. (2011-06-07). “Free Antivirus Programs Rise in Popularity, New Survey Shows”. PC World. IDG Consumer & SMB.
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  13. ^ “iOS Game Developers Must Choose: Sell Digital Currency or Lose Money”. Wired. 26 September 2012.
    《iOS游戏开发者必须选择:卖数字货币还是赔钱》。有线。 2012 年 9 月 26 日。检索于 2012 年 27 September 。
  14. ^ Gera, Emily (2014-11-21). “Valve adds new rules to Steam Early Access to ensure games don’t suck”. Polygon.
    艾米丽·格拉 (2014-11-21)。 “Valve 为 Steam 抢先体验添加了新规则,以确保游戏不会糟糕”。。多边形。检索于 2015 年 24 March 。
  15. ^ “Most freemium games are pay to win - The Pub at MMORPG.COM - General Discussion Forums at”.
    “大多数免费增值游戏都是付费获胜 - MMORPG.COM 的 Pub - 一般讨论论坛”。。已检索 。
  16. ^ Makuch, Eddie (2013-03-15). “EA: freemium is ‘where things are going’ -”. Archived from the original on 2013-07-08.
    埃迪·马库奇 (2013-03-15)。 “EA:免费增值是‘事情正在发展的方向’——”。英国。原始存档于2013-07-08。已检索 。
  17. ^ Grubb, Jeffrey (2014-11-06). “‘South Park’ is right about why ‘The Simpsons’ and ‘Family Guy’ free-to-play games stink”. Venture Beat.
    杰弗里·格鲁布 (2014-11-06)。 “《南方公园》关于《辛普森一家》和《恶搞之家》免费游戏为何如此糟糕的说法是正确的”。创业节拍。已检索 。
  18. ^ Rad, Chloi (2015-02-18). “Pokemon Shuffle Is Available Now, Free For 3DS”. IGN.
    拉德·克洛伊 (2015-02-18)。 “Pokemon Shuffle 现已推出,3DS 免费”。 IGN。已检索 。
  19. ^ Jump up to: a b Dy, Marijim (2015-04-14). “‘Pokémon Rumble World’ Recently Released For 3DS; Nintendo’s Newest Freemium Game Doesn’t Steal Your Money As Much As ‘Pokémon Shuffle?’“. Youth Health Magazine.
    戴·马里吉姆 (2015-04-14)。 “《Pokémon Rumble World》最近发布了 3DS 版;任天堂最新的免费增值游戏不会像《Pokémon Shuffle》那样抢钱?”。青少年健康杂志。已检索 。

Further reading 进一步阅读


免费增值是“免费”和“溢价”这两个词的混合词,是一种定价策略,免费提供基本产品或服务,但对附加功能、服务或虚拟(在线)产品或服务收取费用(溢价)。 )或 ⤴️

自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,这种商业模式一直被用于软件领域 ⤴️

免费提供您的服务,可能有广告支持,但也可能没有,通过口碑、推荐网络、有机搜索营销等非常有效地获得大量客户,然后提供高价增值服务或增强版服务您为您的客户群提供的服务。 ⤴️

2009年,克里斯·安德森(Chris Anderson)出版了《Free》一书,探讨了这种商业模式的受欢迎程度 ⤴️

除了传统的专有软件和服务之外,它现在也经常被 Web 2.0 和开源公司使用。 2014年,Eric ⤴️

免费增值模式与分层服务密切相关。著名的例子包括 LinkedIn、 Badoo、 Discord、 以及“软”付费墙的形式,例如《纽约时报》所采用的付费墙 和 La Presse+。 这通常是有时间限制或功能有限的版本,以推广付费完整版本。该模型特别适合软件,因为分发成本可以忽略不计。 ⤴️

当生产额外单位的边际成本较低时,有时会使用免费增值模式来建立消费者基础 ⤴️

其他例子包括免费游戏——无需付费即可下载的视频游戏。免费游戏的视频游戏发行商依靠其他方式来产生收入,例如玩家可以购买可选的游戏内虚拟物品来增强游戏玩法或美观性 ⤴️