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March 20, 2024 • 10 min read
2024 年 3 月 20 日 • 阅读 10 分钟

☕️ Not so anonymous ☕️ 不那么匿名

by Morning Brew, • See original
作者:Morning Brew,• 查看原文

Morning Brew


AT&T In-car Wi-Fi

Good morning. It’s the start of March Madness, better known as Second Monitor Appreciation Day.

If your college didn’t make the tournament, like Abby or Neal’s, get behind the school that produced your favorite Morning Brew writer: Matty (Nebraska), Molly (Wisconsin), or Cassandra (North Carolina). Yes, this newsletter is fueled by corn, dairy, and tobacco.
如果你的大学没有像艾比或尼尔那样参加锦标赛,请支持培养你最喜欢的 Morning Brew 作家的学校:马蒂(内布拉斯加州)、莫莉(威斯康星州)或卡桑德拉(北卡罗来纳州)。是的,这份时事通讯的燃料是玉米、乳制品和烟草。

—Molly Liebergall, Cassandra Cassidy, Matty Merritt, Abby Rubenstein, Neal Freyman ——莫莉·利伯格、卡桑德拉·卡西迪、马蒂·梅里特、艾比·鲁宾斯坦、尼尔·弗雷曼


Nasdaq 纳斯达克16,369.41+1.25%
10-Year 10年期4.273%-2.4 bps
Bitcoin 比特币$67,532.47+9.05%
Chipotle 奇波特尔$2,895.00+3.48%

*Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 1:00am ET.Here’s what these numbers mean.
*股票数据截至收盘时,加密货币数据截至美国东部时间凌晨 1:00。这些数字的含义如下。

  • Markets: You probably heard the yelps of joy from Wall Street yesterday as all three major averages closed the day at record highs, after the Fed held interest rates steady and reaffirmed its plans for rate cuts this year. Chipotle also hit an all-time high on the news that its board approved a rare 50-for-1 stock split to make it more accessible to investors.
    市场:昨天,在美联储维持利率稳定并重申今年的降息计划之后,三大主要股指均创下历史新高,昨天你可能听到了华尔街的欢呼声。 Chipotle 董事会批准了罕见的 50 比 1 股票分割,以使其更容易吸引投资者的消息也创下了历史新高。

Reddit logo Reddit 红迪网

Today’s the day you can finally own stock in Reddit, the only social media platform where you can both stage a Wall Street coup and join a community for people who love stapling bread to trees.
今天,你终于可以在 Reddit 上拥有股票了,这是唯一一个社交媒体平台,在这里你既可以发动华尔街政变,又可以加入一个为那些喜欢把面包钉在树上的人组成的社区。

The 19-year-old company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange as RDDT as of today, is selling 22 million shares priced at 6.4 billion.
这家拥有 19 年历史的公司今天在纽约证券交易所上市,股票代码为 RDDT,正在以每股 34 美元的价格出售 2200 万股股票,Reddit 的估值为 64 亿美元。

But that’s pretty much the only conventional thing about this IPO, which is being bet against by some of the very people who make the site what it is, prompting Reddit to warn of potential volatility.
但这几乎是本次 IPO 的唯一传统内容,一些网站的创建者也对其进行了押注,促使 Reddit 就潜在的波动性发出警告。

Here’s what’s going on:

  • In a nod to the platform’s reliance on user-generated content, Reddit set aside 1.76 million shares for certain US-based highly active users and volunteer community moderators.
    为了认可该平台对用户生成内容的依赖,Reddit 为某些美国高度活跃的用户和志愿者社区版主预留了 176 万股。
  • Many Redditors have not only passed on the IPO—they’re getting ready to dance on its grave. The 15-million-member r/wallstreetbets subreddit, which briefly turned GameStop to gold in 2021, is filled with talk of shorting RDDT and watching it “absolutely plummet.”
    许多 Reddit 用户不仅已经放弃了 IPO,而且还准备在其坟墓上跳舞。拥有 1500 万会员的 r/wallstreetbets Reddit 子版块曾在 2021 年短暂将 GameStop 打造成黄金版,其中充满了做空 RDDT 并眼睁睁看着它“暴跌”的言论。
  • Any Redditors who did buy before the bell won’t have to wait the typically mandatory six months before selling, so they could cash in on initial surges.
    任何在盘前买入的 Reddit 用户都不必等待通常强制性的六个月才能卖出,因此他们可以在最初的飙升中获利。

Growing pains 成长的烦恼

Last year Reddit CEO Steve Huffman said it was time to “behave like an adult company.” But the untameable beast that is the Reddit community hasn’t always been on board with Huffman’s efforts to make the site profitable…like when thousands of moderators protest-shuttered their communities after Huffman announced that third-party developers would have to pay for site access.
去年,Reddit 首席执行官史蒂夫·霍夫曼 (Steve Huffman) 表示,是时候“像一家成人公司一样行事”了。但 Reddit 社区这头难以驯服的野兽并不总是支持霍夫曼让网站盈利的努力……就像在霍夫曼宣布第三方开发者必须为网站访问付费后,数千名版主抗议关闭他们的社区。

**Now that it has a fiduciary duty to make its shareholders richer…**Reddit has to figure out how to turn a profit without enraging users. But in a move that will probably anger many of them anyway, Reddit is looking to diversify its main revenue stream (==ads==) by letting companies train their AI models on user-generated content. It just signed a $60 million/year data licensing contract with Google, but the FTC is ==probing the deal==.—ML
既然它负有让股东变得更富有的信托责任……Reddit 必须弄清楚如何在不激怒用户的情况下实现盈利。但 Reddit 的这一举动可能会激怒他们中的许多人,它正在寻求通过让公司根据用户生成的内容训练人工智能模型来实现其主要收入来源(广告)多元化。它刚刚与谷歌签署了一份每年 6000 万美元的数据许可合同,但 FTC 正在调查该交易。——ML

AT&T In-car Wi-Fi

Have to hit the road before the final play? With AT&T In-car Wi-Fi, you can track your game on the go…wherever you go.
必须在决赛之前上路吗?借助 AT&T 车载 Wi-Fi,您可以随时随地跟踪您的游戏……无论您身在何处。

Stream the biggest games of the season (plus music, video, and more) with a full tank of Wi-Fi power. AT&T covers more roads than any other carrier,* so you’re free to explore without missing a single play.
利用充足的 Wi-Fi 能力观看本赛季最重要的比赛(以及音乐、视频等)。 AT&T 覆盖的道路比任何其他运营商都多*,因此您可以自由探索,不会错过任何一场比赛。

And the signal works both in and out of your car, so you can stay connected no matter where the road takes you.

Give AT&T In-car Wi-Fi a test drive with a free four-day trial.
免费试用 AT&T 车载 Wi-Fi 四天。

Jerome Powell Mandel Ngan/Getty Images 曼德尔颜/盖蒂图片社

The Fed is sticking to the plan. Investors were worried about what Jerome Powell might bring them yesterday, after several indicators that inflation isn’t quite as licked as the Fed hoped it was when it last made projections about rates. But they needn’t have been, because JPow and Co. stuck to the forecasts they laid out in December, predicting three rate cuts before the year is out. Powell shrugged off the recent data on sticky high prices, saying, “I think they haven’t really changed the overall story, which is that of inflation moving down gradually on a sometimes bumpy road toward 2%.”
美联储坚持执行该计划。投资者担心杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)昨天可能会带来什么,因为多项指标表明通胀并未像美联储上次做出利率预测时所希望的那样得到缓解。但他们不必这样做,因为 JPow 和 Co. 坚持他们 12 月做出的​​预测,预测今年年底前将进行三次降息。鲍威尔对最近物价居高不下的数据不屑一顾,他说:“我认为它们并没有真正改变整体情况,即通胀在通往 2% 的道路上有时崎岖不平,逐渐下降。”

**==Intel got an 8.5b government grant to build chip factories.==** It’s the [largest grant]( awarded so far under the CHIPS Act to spur US semiconductor production, and Intel plans to use it to build and expand facilities in Arizona, Ohio, New Mexico, and Oregon. Intel could also be eligible for another 11 billion in loans under the same legislation, a signature piece of the president’s economic agenda that Congress passed in 2022. The push comes amid growing concern about sourcing chips from Asia, but it’ll be a long time before construction is completed on the projects being funded.
英特尔获得了 85 亿美元的政府拨款用于建设芯片工厂。这是迄今为止根据《CHIPS 法案》为刺激美国半导体生产而发放的最大一笔拨款,英特尔计划利用这笔资金在亚利桑那州、俄亥俄州、新墨西哥州和俄勒冈州建设和扩建工厂。根据同一立法,英特尔还可能有资格获得另外 110 亿美元的贷款,这是国会 2022 年通过的总统经济议程的标志性内容。此举是在人们对从亚洲采购芯片的担忧日益加剧的背景下进行的,但这将需要很长时间在资助的项目建设完成之前。

Things are not all gucci at Gucci. Kering, the French luxury brand that owns Gucci, said it expects the brand’s sales to fall 20% in the first quarter compared to last year because its products aren’t moving as well as anticipated in Asia. Though a slowdown in spending in China—where Gucci does ~30% of its sales—has impacted many luxury brands, they’re not all suffering as much as Gucci (and Kering, whose other brands include Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, and Bottega Veneta). Rivals for the high-end space LVMH and Hermès have both fared better.
古驰 (Gucci) 的事情并不全是古驰 (Gucci)。拥有 Gucci 的法国奢侈品牌开云集团表示,预计该品牌第一季度的销售额将比去年下降 20%,因为其产品在亚洲的销售情况不如预期。尽管中国消费放缓(Gucci 约 30% 的销售额来自中国)已经对许多奢侈品牌产生了影响,但它们并没有像 Gucci(以及开云集团,其其他品牌包括 Yves Saint Laurent、Balenciaga 和 Bottega)那样受到严重影响。维内塔)。高端领域的竞争对手 LVMH 和 Hermès 的表现都更好。

Illustration of a car’s exhaust pipe with smoke in the shape of a lightning bolt Francis Scialabba 弗朗西斯·夏拉巴

You have approximately three years left to roast your friend who drives a Prius.

The Biden administration rolled out new rules yesterday that aim to put more butts in electric car seats, marking one of the federal government’s strongest moves toward tackling climate change since the introduction of Smokey Bear.

It is not a ban on gas-powered cars. The Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations, which go into effect starting in 2027, increasingly limit pollution permitted from tailpipes, which in turn will push automakers toward making more models that comply with those limits—aka EVs and hybrids.
这并不是禁止汽油动力汽车。美国环境保护局的法规将于 2027 年开始生效,越来越多地限制排气管造成的污染,这反过来将推动汽车制造商生产更多符合这些限制的车型,即电动汽车和混合动力汽车。

The policy tightens emissions limits more slowly than the EPA’s original proposal last year, signaling a concession by the Biden admin to automakers and autoworkers. But it’s still expected to have serious impacts:

  • Analysts predict the regulations will lead to more EV models at lower prices.
  • The EPA boasts that the new policy will generate $37 billion in improved public health and prevent seven billion tons of CO2 emissions.
    美国环保署宣称,新政策将为改善公众健康带来 370 亿美元的收入,并减少 70 亿吨二氧化碳排放。

**Potential roadblocks lay ahead…**the policy will likely be met with legal challenges from fossil fuel lobbyists that could end up before the Supreme Court, whose 6–3 conservative majority has previously voted to limit the EPA’s power.—CC
潜在的障碍摆在面前……该政策可能会遇到来自化石燃料游说者的法律挑战,这些挑战最终可能会提交给最高法院,最高法院以 6 比 3 的保守派多数此前投票限制了 EPA 的权力。—CC



Intuit TurboTax

Your refund awaits. When it comes to tax prep (and managing side hustles, crypto, + more), one size doesn’t fit all. Intuit TurboTax® is up for the challenge. They leave no stone unturned, from ever-changing government credits to self-employment tax breaks—so you can get the outcome you deserve. Brew readers: Get up to 20% off.
您的退款正在等待。当谈到税务准备(以及管理副业、加密货币等)时,一种方法并不适合所有情况。 Intuit TurboTax® 已准备好迎接挑战。从不断变化的政府信贷到自营职业税收减免,他们不遗余力,让您能够得到应有的结果。 Brew 读者:享受高达 20% 的折扣。

Shadow of person behind blurred glass door. Francis Scialabba 弗朗西斯·夏拉巴

It’s official: The safest place to gripe about your job is a padlocked diary actively sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Users of Glassdoor, the site that touted anonymous employee reviews of companies, are reporting that their names and job titles are being added to their accounts without their consent.
官方消息:抱怨工作最安全的地方是一本正在沉入海底的挂锁日记。 Glassdoor(该网站兜售匿名员工对公司的评论)的用户报告说,他们的姓名和职位在未经他们同意的情况下被添加到他们的帐户中。

You can still post anonymously and hide your private info, but last July the site officially integrated with the networking app Fishbowl, which requires users to verify their identity with their full name, title, and the company they work for. Previously, you only had to have an email attached to the account. Now, anyone who tries to log back in has to update that info before they can access the site, and people are freaking out about it on social media.
你仍然可以匿名发帖并隐藏你的私人信息,但去年 7 月,该网站正式与网络应用程序 Fishbowl 集成,该应用程序要求用户使用全名、头衔和工作公司来验证自己的身份。以前,您只需将电子邮件附加到帐户即可。现在,任何试图重新登录的人都必须更新该信息才能访问该网站,人们在社交媒体上对此感到恐慌。

What does this mean for Glassdoor’s whole “thing”? Since it’s the only place on the internet where you can anonymously clown on your CEO’s management style, users are concerned that even if they chose to keep their personal information private, it could now be more easily subpoenaed or leaked…
这对于 Glassdoor 的整个“事物”意味着什么?由于这是互联网上唯一一个可以匿名嘲笑首席执行官管理风格的地方,用户担心即使他们选择将个人信息保密,现在也可能更容易被传唤或泄露…

…which employers have tried in the past: Glassdoor said it has successfully objected to and resisted 100+ subpoenas for users’ identities.—MM
…雇主过去曾尝试过哪些方法:Glassdoor 表示,它已成功拒绝并拒绝了 100 多张索取用户身份的传票。-MM

A map of the US with a frown across it Francis Scialabba 弗朗西斯·夏拉巴

Stat: Disneyland may still be the happiest place on Earth, but the rest of the US is falling behind in the happiness department—especially for people under 30. In this year’s list of the world’s happiest countries, the US dropped to No. 23 from No. 15 last year, marking the first time it hasn’t cracked the top 20 since the ranking began in 2012. Much of the dip stems from young Americans feeling worse about their lives, according to Gallup, which compiles the list. So, if you’re looking for a happy place to hunker down, Finland maintained its status as No. 1.
统计数据:迪士尼乐园可能仍然是地球上最幸福的地方,但美国其他地区在幸福感方面落后了——尤其是对于 30 岁以下的人来说。在今年的全球最幸福国家名单中,美国从第 23 位跌至第 23 位。去年排名第 15 位,这是自 2012 年开始排名以来首次未能进入前 20 名。据编制该榜单的盖洛普称,排名下降的主要原因是美国年轻人对自己的生活感觉更糟。因此,如果您正在寻找一个快乐的地方坐下来,芬兰保持了第一的地位。

Quote: “In case there ever is a real alien invasion, I think I should probably save myself for that crisis.”

Netflix’s 3 Body Problem, a show debuting on the streamer today, has a lot going for it, including the story from a bestselling Chinese sci-fi novel and the team that ruined brought you Game of Thrones. But one thing it doesn’t have: a cameo from former President Barack Obama. Though Obama is a fan of the source material, he turned down a part in the show. But according to executive producer David Benioff, he couched the rejection in a funny note that suggested he needed to stay fresh in the event that extraterrestrial visitors arrive for real.
Netflix 的《3 Body Problem》今天在流媒体上首播,该剧有很多亮点,其中包括中国畅销科幻小说中的故事,以及毁掉《权力的游戏》的团队。但有一点它没有:前总统巴拉克·奥巴马 (Barack Obama) 客串。尽管奥巴马是原著的粉丝,但他拒绝了出演该剧。但根据执行制片人大卫·贝尼奥夫的说法,他用一个有趣的字条表达了拒绝的意思,这表明他需要保持新鲜感,以防外星访客真正到来。

Read: Amazon says its plastic packaging can be recycled. An investigation finds it usually isn’t. (Grist)
阅读:亚马逊表示其塑料包装可以回收。调查发现通常并非如此。 (谷物)

  • The Los Angeles Dodgers fired Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter, accusing him of stealing millions from the baseball star.
  • Neuralink, Elon Musk’s brain implant company, posted a video on X of its first human user showing off what he can do with the device.
    埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的大脑植入公司 Neuralink 在 X 上发布了一段视频,视频中第一位人类用户展示了他可以使用该设备做什么。
  • Private equity firm Apollo Global Management has offered $11 billion for Hollywood studio Paramount Pictures, though Paramount Global is reportedly also considering other takeover offers.
    私募股权公司 Apollo Global Management 已向好莱坞电影公司派拉蒙影业 (Paramount Pictures) 出价 110 亿美元,不过据报道派拉蒙全球公司 (Paramount Global) 也在考虑其他收购要约。
  • ==Boeing warned investors it’s looking at a big loss for Q1 as it struggles with the continued fallout from a door plug coming off a plane midflight in January.==
  • Ireland’s Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, unexpectedly said he will step down, calling his reasons for resigning “personal and political, but mainly political.”
  • The UK’s privacy watchdog is investigating reports that hospital staff tried to improperly access Kate Middleton’s hospital records, as rumors regarding the princess continue to swirl.

RECS 记录控制系统

To do list Thursday

Watch: Why we need space lasers.

Try something new: Scientists have found the flavor profiles of different types of edible ants.

Perfect your morning brew: A food scientist explains how to make the best coffee.

Say “aw”: A letter to the editor that will restore your faith in book reviews (and maybe humanity).

Zip it: Boring is back, and you always need another Morning Brew zip-up hoodie.
拉链:无聊又回来了,你总是需要另一件 Morning Brew 拉链连帽衫。

Shoot + score: Watch your fave teams play at home and away with AT&T In-car Wi-Fi. Stream music, video, games, and more from just about anywhere. Get a free four-day trial.*
投篮 + 得分:通过 AT&T 车内 Wi-Fi 观看您最喜欢的球队的主场和客场比赛。从几乎任何地方流式传输音乐、视频、游戏等。获得四天免费试用。*

*A message from our sponsor.

Brew Mini: Thaw out from winter with today’s seasonal Mini. Play it here.
Brew Mini:用今天的季节性 Mini 来解冻冬天。在这里玩吧。

Three Headlines and a Lie


Three of these headlines are real, and one is faker than photos in your Facebook newsfeed. Can you spot the odd one out?
其中三个标题是真实的,其中一个比 Facebook 新闻源中的照片更假。你能找出其中的异常吗?

  1. Blowhole the sled dog became a social media star—but was he a criminal first?
  2. Cambodia cracks down on musical car horns to avoid ‘anarchy in the streets’
  3. 1,800-year-old Roman statue discovered in parking lot
  4. World’s smallest coffee shop doesn’t sell iced coffee because ‘ice takes up too much space‘


We made up the one about the tiny coffee shop.

Word of the Day 每日一词

Today’s Word of the Day is: subpoenaed, meaning “summoned by a writ of subpoena, which requires a person to appear in court.” Thanks to Alyssa from San Diego for responding to our summons for a suggestion. Submit another Word of the Day here.
今天的每日一词是:传票,意思是“通过传票传唤,要求某人出庭”。感谢来自圣地亚哥的 Alyssa 回应我们的建议。在此提交另一个每日一词。

✢ A Note From AT&T In-car Wi-Fi ✢ AT&T 车内 Wi-Fi 的注意事项

Based on independent third-party data. Requires eligible car and wireless service plan. Additional restrictions apply.

Written byNeal Freyman, Abigail Rubenstein, Molly Liebergall, Matty Merritt, and Cassandra Cassidy

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版权所有 © 2024 晨酿。版权所有。 22 W 19th St, 4 楼, 纽约, NY 10011

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Today’s the day you can finally own stock in Reddit ⤴️

The 19-year-old company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange as RDDT as of today ⤴️

Reddit is looking to diversify its main revenue stream (ads) by letting companies train their AI models on user-generated content. ⤴️

It just signed a $60 million/year data licensing contract with Google, but the FTC is probing the deal. ⤴️

Intel got an $8.5b government grant to build chip factories. ⤴️

Netflix 的《3 Body Problem》今天在流媒体上首播,该剧有很多亮点,其中包括中国畅销科幻小说中的故事,以及毁掉《权力的游戏》的团队 ⤴️

Boeing warned investors it’s looking at a big loss for Q1 as it struggles with the continued fallout from a door plug coming off a plane midflight in January.
波音公司警告投资者,由于一月份飞机飞行途中门塞脱落造成的持续影响,该公司预计第一季度将出现巨额亏损。 ⤴️