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将假设嵌入网站和平台:假设 --- Embedding Hypothesis in Websites and Platforms : Hypothesis


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While individuals can annotate and discuss any page on the Web by equipping their browsers with extensions or bookmarklets, or by using our proxy (, publishers can make annotation easier for readers by embedding the Hypothesis client in their websites or platforms.
虽然个人可以通过为浏览器配备扩展程序或小书签或使用我们的代理 ( 来注释和讨论网络上的任何页面,但出版商可以通过在其网站或平台中嵌入 Hypothesis 客户端来使读者更轻松地进行注释。

To add Hypothesis to your website or platform, simply add the following line to the HTML source of your page:
要将 Hypothesis 添加到您的网站或平台,只需将以下行添加到页面的 HTML 源代码中:

<==script src=“” async==></script>

Configuration 配置

You can configure Hypothesis by including a config tag before the the script tag.

For example, the following arrangement will ensure that our yellow highlights are hidden by default:

You can find the full list of configuration options in our documentation.

Best practices to optimize your content for annotation


When publishing annotation-friendly documents, be sure to:

  • For pages that may be available at different URLs (and for which you want to share annotations), please see our guidance on document equivalence.
    对于可能在不同 URL 上提供的页面(以及您想要共享注释的页面),请参阅我们的文档等效指南。
  • Include Open Graph Protocol content in your metadata

Tools, plug-ins and integrations


The Hypothesis community has developed different tools to integrate annotation on websites and explore other functionality using the Hypothesis code and API. Explore all the different ways to include Hypothesis in websites that use WordPress, Drupal, and other platforms. If you’re working with a Content Management System or web site building software and would like to discuss integrating Hypothesis, we’d love to hear about it!
Hypothesis 社区开发了不同的工具来集成网站上的注释,并使用 Hypothesis 代码和 API 探索其他功能。探索在使用 WordPress、Drupal 和其他平台的网站中包含假设的所有不同方法。如果您正在使用内容管理系统或网站构建软件,并且想讨论集成假设,我们很乐意听到!

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To add Hypothesis to your website or platform, simply add the following line to the HTML source of your page:
要将 Hypothesis 添加到您的网站或平台,只需将以下行添加到页面的 HTML 源代码中:
