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iPad 为什么成功? - 知乎


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date_saved: 2023-07-31 20:36:47

date_published: 2014-10-20 21:14:00

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iPad 刚亮相的时候,所获得的讥讽可比现在的 iPhone 6 大多了。大多数人之前之前自己会拿到一个9寸的,运行OSX的电脑,而不是一个9寸的,运行iOS的平板。各种媒体直接把iPhone屏幕拼贴在一起嘲讽苹果——就跟现在做的差不多。

我也以为会拿到一个平板状态的OSX设备,因此看到之后还是失望了一阵儿,但好在我这个人比较相信权威,觉得这大公司上千号人想了三四年,应该比我想得明白,因此还是托朋友在美国买了一个——这时候就要说到第二个关键点,它便宜……我记得是499美元?大概是4000块钱左右,对于一款看起来 “拿到手立刻进入科幻片” 的设备来说,实在算得上是便宜。美国人也是这么想的,我记得一度所有的安卓平板都比 iPad 贵,实在悲壮,令人为之心塞,而且直到现在好像都没什么人敢说 iPad 太贵。


我当然不觉得苹果事事都对(比如iTunes,你就没法说服我那是个好东西),但是在平板电脑上他们干得可比其他厂家坚决多了。当时微软的Tablet PC已经推广了一段日子了,始终没戏,论性能没的说,我从IBM X41T用到X61T,办公绝无问题,电容笔装个Wacom的驱动就有512级压感。可是当我拿着iPad往床上一躺,或者往马桶上一坐的时候,瞬间就忘掉了X61T……

说白了,当人们回到家里,坐在沙发上,想干的事儿就只有那么多,看看网页,刷刷微博,看看书,看看视频,打会儿游戏,没了。iPad的应用逐渐满足了这些需求,不会为了 “哎呀如果用户躺着的时候忽然想发6000字的邮件怎么办?” “如果用户在马桶上忽然想手绘一张原画怎么办?” 这种极小概率的事件硬加上一个键盘或一支触控笔

我觉得专注、大胆舍弃是 iPad 成功的关键。当然苹果所拥有的技术积累以及App Store生态圈则是成功所必须的条件——不说别的,10小时续航,我当时就感慨 “终于不用挂着充电线躺在床上看书了。”


这个问题去看乔布斯的访谈里都有答案。跟苹果的光环没啥关系,微软当时的光环比苹果大得多,做了10年的tablet还是失败了。乔布斯总结的经验是用户体验上关键是要用手指控制而不是笔(if you need a stylus, you’ve already failed.)。但这样就失去了鼠标点的精度,所以PC的操作系统不能用,所有的应用也都要重新设计。这样才能获得成功。


“What I remember telling you on the tablet was that handwriting was probably the slowest input method ever invented and that it was doomed to failure. What we tried to do was reimagine the tablet. I think Microsoft did a lot of interesting work on the tablet. What we’ve done is not compete with what they did. You know, they’re completely stylus based. What we said was, if you need a stylus, you’ve already failed.

That drove everything. Their tablet PC was based on a PC. Had all the expense of a PC. Had the battery life of a PC. Had the weight of a PC. It used a PC operating system. It really needed the precision of the type of an arrow of a cursor.

The minute you throw a stylus out, you cannot get that precision. Therefore, you need to have totally different software. So you can’t use a PC operating system, and you have to bite the bullet and say, we’re going to have to create this from scratch because all the PC apps won’t work without being rewritten anyway. So, we built a very different animal.”


“People laugh at me because I have used the phrase “magical” to describe the iPad. But it’s what I really think. You have a much more direct and intimate relationship with the Internet and media, your apps, your content. It’s like some intermediate thing has been removed and stripped away.

Is it the direct action? Is it the fact that you can move it all around? Is it the fact that you have no cables and 10-hour battery life? I don’t know. It’s all these things plus other things which I don’t understand yet. I think we’re just scratching the surface on the kind of apps we can build for it. I think one can create a lot of content on the tablet.”


见过太多太多的人在用智能手机的时候说“屏幕太小还是回去用电脑看吧”,很多人批评 iPad 说打字被实体键盘怒艹、在上面办公就是个笑话、充其量只是个玩具罢了blabla……这些诚然是 iPad 所比不上传统笔记本的地方,但是从很多人说“屏幕太小还是回去用电脑看吧”就应该能得知,其实很多时候我们用笔记本干这样那样的事情的时候其实只需要的是它较大的屏幕。斯科特·福斯特尔在 iPad 初代的宣传片的时候就说过”iPad is the best way to browse the web”,确实,iPad 上Safari的重要程度对我而言占到了80%以上,iPad最核心的元素就是display, 也难怪当年苹果甚至不顾SoC性能不足带不动高分配也要马上推进Retina屏的 the new iPad上市。很多时候不要想着 iPad能用来「生产」什么,而想想看 iPad能「展示」什么,它的定位自然会很明确

此外软硬合一的策略以及App Store唯一合法获得应用的途经使得 iPad上专为平板优化的第三方应用在体验和质量上都远胜于同类产品,不过iOS优良的生态圈以及安卓那些乱七八糟的国产毒瘤软件和碎片化问题都是后话了,苹果胜在交互,几乎每一个伟大的人机交互方式上的创新都是苹果做的,而一旦新的交互方式出现是很容易被其他厂商借鉴的,这也是当今iPhone与其他智能手机差距越来越小的和不断增加的苹果唱衰者的原因。


说白了,当人们回到家里,坐在沙发上,想干的事儿就只有那么多,看看网页,刷刷微博,看看书,看看视频,打会儿游戏,没了。iPad的应用逐渐满足了这些需求,不会为了 “哎呀如果用户躺着的时候忽然想发6000字的邮件怎么办?” “如果用户在马桶上忽然想手绘一张原画怎么办?” 这种极小概率的事件硬加上一个键盘或一支触控笔 ⤴️

我觉得专注、大胆舍弃是 iPad 成功的关键。当然苹果所拥有的技术积累以及App Store生态圈则是成功所必须的条件——不说别的,10小时续航,我当时就感慨 “终于不用挂着充电线躺在床上看书了。”

⤴️ ^d7b50a7b

乔布斯总结的经验是用户体验上关键是要用手指控制而不是笔(if you need a stylus, you’ve already failed.)。但这样就失去了鼠标点的精度,所以PC的操作系统不能用,所有的应用也都要重新设计。这样才能获得成功。 ⤴️

The minute you throw a stylus out, you cannot get that precision. Therefore, you need to have totally different software. So you can’t use a PC operating system, and you have to bite the bullet and say, we’re going to have to create this from scratch because all the PC apps won’t work without being rewritten anyway. So, we built a very different animal.” ⤴️

“People laugh at me because I have used the phrase “magical” to describe the iPad. But it’s what I really think. You have a much more direct and intimate relationship with the Internet and media, your apps, your content. It’s like some intermediate thing has been removed and stripped away. ⤴️

Is it the direct action? Is it the fact that you can move it all around? Is it the fact that you have no cables and 10-hour battery life? ⤴️

很多时候不要想着 iPad能用来「生产」什么,而想想看 iPad能「展示」什么,它的定位自然会很明确 ⤴️

苹果胜在交互,几乎每一个伟大的人机交互方式上的创新都是苹果做的 ⤴️