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🪴 Welcome to Neo’s Digital Garden


Hello, I’m Neo! This is my digital garden – a space where I cultivate my thoughts on technology, philosophy, learning, and the interconnections between them. Like a garden, this space is ever-evolving, with ideas growing, branching out, and sometimes withering away. It’s a reflection of my journey and exploration through the endless fields of knowledge.

你好,我是 Neo!这是我的数字花园——一个我分享关于技术、哲学、学习以及它们之间相互关系的思考的空间。就像花园一样,这个空间是不断发展的,思想生长、延展,有时也会凋零。这是我在知识无尽领域中旅程和探索的反映。

What You’ll Find Here

  • Tech Explorations - Delve into my explorations of software development, emerging technologies, and the impact of digital innovation on society.
  • Philosophical Musings - Join me as I ponder questions about existence, consciousness, and the ethics of artificial intelligence.
  • Learning Adventures - Follow my journey through different fields of knowledge, as I share insights and resources that have shaped my understanding.
  • Book Summaries & Reviews - Discover the books that have influenced me and the key takeaways from each.


  • 技术探索 - 深入探讨我的软件开发、新兴技术探索以及数字创新对社会的影响。
  • 哲学思考 - 与我一起思考关于存在、意识以及人工智能伦理的问题。
  • 学习历险 - 跟随我在不同知识领域中的旅程,分享塑造我理解的见解和资源。
  • 阅读笔记 - 发现影响我最深的书籍以及每本书的要点。

Connect with Me


I cherish the connections and conversations that grow in this digital space. Feel free to reach out to me:


Thank you for visiting my digital garden. I hope you find something that piques your interest, sparks a new idea, or even challenges your perspectives.


This garden is always growing, so feel free to wander through often. If you’re interested in deploying a digital garden of your own, be sure to check out my post for a step-by-step guide on bringing your ideas to the digital world. Also, 2023-08-10_obsidian 目前最完美的免费发布方案 - 渐进式教程 - 经验分享 - Obsidian 中文论坛.
